Thursday, June 30, 2011

There is always "something".........

If you have read my blog from the beginning, im sure you have heard me talk about my previous health issues. Before surgery, I suffered from Hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland does not make enough thyroid hormone.

Hypothyroidism has MANY symptoms/signs. The main ones ive had to deal with are extreme fatigue and an abnormal menstrual cycle. Seriously, ladies, im sure we could all agree that when Mother Nature starts messing with your "cycle" it throws EVERYTHING out of wack! Anyway, moving along.....haha

So, Monday I went to the Student Health Center to have my monthly check-up and lab work done. I have been feeling extremely tired lately. A lot more than usual. I get plenty of sleep for the most part but I always feel like I havent rested. Its crazy! I was worried that something was wrong with my thyroid again.

During the exam, my doctor asked me if I was on any medication for my thyroid and I told him about how I used to be but now that ive lost so much weight it seems to have fixed itself so I no longer take it..blah blah blah. Well, I called the office yesterday because I hadnt heard back from them about my results. The doctor informed me that my thyroid level was really high again and that I would need to start back on my medication in order to fix it.
I thought once I lost weight it would fix itself and I would be "normal" again but it seems as if it just hasnt gotten its act together yet. Hopefully, one day I wont have to take so much medicine but until then ill just try to be patient and keep in mind that it could always be worse.

But on the plus side, my protein level is normal and my b12 level is 10 times the normal amount, which is caused because I dont absorb it anymore so I have to have a lot more than normal. If that makes any sense.........Its complicated. haha


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Guest Blogger!!!

My new friend, Karen, over at I Walk Along The Road, invited me to be a guest on her blog! Check out my post here. Let me know what you think, ok?

Happy Tuesday Friends!


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Happy 7 Months! =)

November 25th, 2010

That was the day that my life changed forever.

While, families in America were gathering around their dining tables eating, reminiscing, and enjoying each others company on a special holiday, I was in Mexico being prepared for surgery, praying for the comfort of the Holy Ghost, and slowly letting go of everything that I used to allow to hold me back from life and happiness.

Many people asked me why I chose Thanksgiving Day, of all days, to have the gastric bypass surgery. Well, you see, it was shear coinsidence that it happened that way but now that I look back I wouldnt have wanted it any other way. I was very thankful for that second chance at life and I knew that I was where i needed to be and doing what I needed to be doing at that time in my life.
So, instead of whining about how I didnt get to stuff my face with turkey, dressing, peanut butter balls (family tradition), and whatever else that would have been there, i simply thank my Heavenly Father for allowing me to live a healthier life. A better life. A longer life.

I have been blessed beyond belief. Far more than I deserve. But i plan on serving God as much as I can in hopes of paying him back atleast a fraction of all that I owe Him. I know that I can never repay Him completely and im not suggesting that He expects to be reimbursed but I just want Him to know that I am aware of my blessings and I am using them to help others.

Anyway,  this has been one of the hardest journeys of my life thus far but I know that in a few years when I am older and experiencing other hardships ill realize that this really wasnt as bad as it could have been.

I have had a tough time with the neuropathy in my legs. It is getting alot better. Before, it would hurt so bad that I would just lay in bed and cry. It was horrible. And i couldnt just simply take a pain pill because, well, i couldnt swallow pills.
But I also havent been nearly as sick as I could have been with this surgery. My sister was terribly sick when she had the surgery. I guess that just goes to show that everyone is different. I will admit however that certain things make me sick. For example, if I have a sinus infection I CANNOT eat. Anything.
 If I havent taken my Nexium in a while I cannot eat and if i try i have to throw up (tmi?). I have serious acid reflux issues now. But if I took my medicine like im suppose to I wouldnt get sick because of it.  
When it is "that time of the month"  I have a hard time eating. Everything makes me nauseous. 
Also, ive learned that if I take my medicine and lay down right after i get really sick. Not really sure why though. hmmm..... 

I also cant eat much sugar. I really shouldnt eat any at all but if ive eaten already and I have something on my stomach, I can eat like a bite or two of something sweet but for sure not on an empty stomach! 

Well, that is all of the "not so great" things ive learned since my surgery. Here are the more positive things ive learned:

I am beautiful in my own way. I do not have to be a size 2 with blonde hair, a sweet tan...I am a curvy, brunette (red/blonde...i get creative) with pale skin. I am who I am.

Being beautiful does not mean you are perfect. 

I am stronger than I thought I was.

I have lost 130lbs in only 7 months. In the first year, you loose the most weight. Which means I have 5 months until my weightloss is predicted to slow down. My sister is about 1 year and 1/2 post op and she has lost about 160lbs. So, although im not where i need to be I have had alot of success.

I have a Father in heaven who is very aware of me and a brother who sacrificed His life for me and suffered every pain that I have ever felt. They know me and understand me even when I dont understand myself.

I can change the world by telling my story.

In these past 7 months, I have lost 130lbs and almost 7 pant sizes. But i have gained:


respect for myself







I lived my life ashamed of who i was. I kept myself from being happy. I held myself back from success.

Now, I try to learn something from each day. I try to better myself. I make goals and know that I can achieve them. I dream about my future and know that it is possible to make those dreams a reality. I am honest with myself.

I mean, dont get me wrong. I have days when I just feel "ugly" and I have moments when I get all depressed over something that really isnt that important. For example, today I slept in instead of going to my classes. Yes. I know. I should have gotten off of my lazy butt and went to class. But im human. I make mistakes. But there is always tomorrow. Another chance to do better. Thats the best part about life. When we make mistakes,its not over. We can also change. Always.

Anyway, I have my good days and I have my bad days. Im human. Also, im a girl and lets face it, ladies, we can be pretty hormonal sometimes. Its the truth.

Well, this has been an outrageously long post. So, to end this one I want to write out a few goals for July. 
Here goes:

2.) Exercise everyday
3.) Read scriptures more often.
4.) Say my prayers morning and night!

What about you? What will goals will you set for yourself for the month of July?

Oh, and if you made it through this entire post--HOLLA!!-- youre amazing!!!!

Live Life. Love Life. Love Yourself.


Monday, June 20, 2011


Ok. I understand that everyone deserves a moment when they can just release all of their frustrations and just vent. Some people do this way too often though. Its almost annoying. No wait...It is annoying! I know, I know. I complain too. Im human, were all human. I get it but there comes a time when you have to realize that the entire world is not against you, there are good people in the world, and you cant keep blaming other people for your unhappiness. You will only ever be as happy as you allow yourself to be.

I have made it my MISSION to stop whenever I am starting to feel depressed, stressed out, or angry about anything and think of all of the good things that I have in my life. There is always something to be thankful for but if we dont stop and acknowledge these things we will let them slip by unnoticed.

So, i want to take a minute and list all of the things I am thankful for right at this very moment.

I am thankful for:
My mother
My sister
My faith
My Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ
My health
My friends
Jamba Juice
My success with the gastric bypass surgery
second chances
modern medicine
the cool breeze outside

There is so much more that I could add to this list I am sure but I will end it now. Life is hard and sometimes we dont know where were going or what were doing but that doesnt mean we have to let ourselves give up and just complain all of the time. There is a plan for our lives. We are here for a reason and we live each day to figure out that reason.
Anyway, sorry for "preaching a sermon" at you. I honestly dont mean to lecture anyone. I just want to document my thoughts during this weight loss process whatever they may be. And it just so happens this is what you get for today!

My friend Jackie and I have decided that we are going to work out everyday! Yep. You heard me. EVERYDAY! Whether it be a trip to the gym on campus or a walk to Jamba Juice :).

We went for a walk up to the temple here in Rexburg, Idaho. It just so happen there was also a gorgeous rainbow over the temple. So pretty!

Live Life. Love Life. Love Yourself.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

"Did something dramatic happen in your life? Boyfriend break up with you?"

So, I have been thinking lately about changing up my hairstyle but it always takes me forever to ever act on any of my "ideas". I guess you can say I am some what of a hesitant person. Sometimes.

Anyway, there is a local Paul Mitchell school here in Rexburg, Idaho (I actually almost went to school there.) and I called them up and made an appointment. If you've never been to a Paul Mitchell school, there is also a salon inside where students who have reached a certain amount of training hours can began work on real clients.

I was so stoked! Paul Mitchell has the coolest energy about it and is just a really fun place full of fun/interesting people.

Anyway, i decided to go with a sort of "edgy" look. Very different than what I walked in with but i think it fits me very well! One of the learning leaders walked over to my stylist's station and asked me "Did something dramatic happen in your life? Boyfriend break up with you?"

It kind of took me off guard but it made me think about the dramatic change that has taken place in my life. Loosing 120-130lbs is crazy!!! I really hadnt realized it until she said that. So, it was only fitting that I get a new, edgy hairstyle!

So, here is what i looked like before the transformation:
My hair was really just a mess. Thats all i can say about it. I wanted to let it grow out into "hippie hair" but i just couldnt do it. (Notice the BIG container of cheese balls. No I did not buy those. Gross.)

So, you cant really tell in the picture BUT its actually a dark red color with the blonde streak in the front! Its so rad! I love it! :)

Well, I am quickly approaches the 100's. Soon I will be able to say "SEE YA LATAH!!!" to being 200+ lbs. I am super excited! I am no where near done loosing weight but I am proud of how far I have come. And the compliments arent so bad either! ;)

Live Life. Love Life. Love Yourself.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Just keep a straight face.....

Well, today I was hanging out in the Manwaring Student Center just bloggin' away when all of a sudden a class of dancers walk by and a few of them begin to showcase some sort of performance. I honestly have no clue what they were doing. There were so many crazy motions and hand gestures. I just kept telling myself, "Just keep a straight face. Dont laugh! Even though laughing is all you know to do in awkward situations."

I confess. I did break down a few times but at least it wasnt one of those laughing fits that usually happen to me in the worst times imaginable. For example, when my sister says something hilarious during church or when some one is telling you a really important or sad story but in your mind youre thinking of something funny and you laugh out loud.

Ok. So, maybe its just me. Anyway, moving along with this post.

Today was my first day back to school since Winter Semester. I have lost a good 70-75lbs since then. I feel so much better. I am in such a better place emotionally/physically/spiritually now. As I walked through campus, I thought about how I felt before my weight loss adventure.

I would have been so out of breath after taking only 1 or 2 flights of stairs. I would have walked far out of my way to use the elevator rather than just take the stairs. I would have kept my head down and quietly made my way to an open seat.

Today was different. I opted to take the stairs in each building that I passed through. I felt so energetic and actually went for a walk in the park this afternoon. I was a little late to my class and walked in right as they were closing up the opening prayer.

Anyway, today I was thinking about how little changes make big results. That helps me to stay motivated and not get discouraged. Some of my tricks are:
1. When parking your car, do not take the closest parking space. There are plenty of paring spaces further away from the building (because everyone is trying to find the closest space so they dont have to walk so far) and walking is good for you.
2. Do not take the elevator. They are made for people with disabilities and unless you have a disability you can take the stairs.
3. Feeling tired can be a good thing. It means your body is working harder than what its used to. Youll get used to it and youll feel energized.

So, every Monday night we have Family Home Evening where a group of students get together and teach a lesson, have an activity and eat a snack (usually). But im pretty sure im not going tonight. I have so much math homework (already!) but ive already made an A on a test. HOLLA!

Now, off to write a paper about my relationship with math.

Live Life. Love Life. Love Yourself.


Saturday, June 4, 2011



Hey everyone! Sorry i have been pretty M.I.A. lately. There has been so much going on in my life that my blog has been kind of neglected. But now that I am back at school and have my laptop on my like all the time due to the massive amount of homework i will be blogging more frequently. :) I dont know if thats a good thing or not. Ill let you decide. Anyway, I am around 6 months post op and i have lost somewhere between 120-130. I dont know the exact number because i caught myself caring more about the number than the way i felt or the little improvements i was making with my health. I honestly think its better if you focus on how you feel versus just on the number.

So, when someone asks me what my goal weight is I just say "No more than 160lbs." Because, what if i get down to 160lbs and i feel like i should loose more. Or what if I get down to like 170lbs and I feel like I should stop. I just dont want to feel as though i have to get down to a certain weight. I want to loose weight until i feel like i have reached my full potential.

But i never want to quit making better choices as far as health goes. I always want to find new ways to improve my health and better my life.
Anyway, I really hope I still have followers.

Love, Love, Love,
  Emily =)